I had been relatively inactive for the past 10 years. My family Dr. said I needed to lose 15 pounds before my next medical follow up. I realized I would need someone to hold me accountable, thus a personal trainer fit the prescription.

Catherine approached the process with a methodical and well thought out organized path by getting a baseline to measure progress.  She makes it a point to understand your needs and brings you along as you progress. A discussion on eating what's right was part of the process keeping me accountable.  I went from 258 lbs to 241 lbs in three months.

Every month a fitness assessment was completed showing me first hand my progression. The weight has stayed off and I feel much better. Exercise and eating better is a part of my routine every week. It's now easier to do than not to do. Making this type of investment in yourself is worth it and can be life changing in many ways.

— Bob H


My wife actually got me a personal trainer thirty- five years ago because I was very sedentary and not an active workout guy. It was the best gift I ever got, and still to this day, I am seeing the benefits. By adopting a fitness routine, I have outlived my parents' ages and continue keeping my health a priority.

Although I am a physician, I too have had some very bad health habits. Being accountable to my fitness goals on a regular basis has been life-saving for me. I stopped smoking and drinking alcohol and have focused on eating healthy and staying active.  

Catherine has worked with me for over 23 years. She is punctual, knowledgeable, helpful, and cares about her clients. The very simple rules of a healthy lifestyle that I follow are: weight control, good nutrition, regular exercise, regular medical checkups, and avoid addictive behaviors.

Personal training has helped me achieve lifetime goals.

— Jim A

I met Catherine at a fitness lunch and learn held at St Leonard Retirement Community. I took advantage of the free fitness consultation offered at the event.

Since I am approaching ninety years of age, I knew I needed to move more, get more exercise, and improve my balance. I have been training with her for over 3 months and can really see an improvement. I am able to walk more, move easier, and have more energy. Furthermore, I have lost body fat, inches, weight, and have increased my knowledge on proper and safe exercises using machines and free weights.

I would recommend New Horizons Fitness and Wellness because Catherine is so knowledgeable and has provided my personalized exercise program based on my needs. Catherine is very pleasant to work with and provides the support I need to be successful.

— Sally M